Checkbox Options
Content Wrapper
If you uncheck this option, the section of each cell that displays content will be hidden entirely. This feature is useful in specific layouts, such as galleries, where internal margins and padding might disrupt the overall grid layout.
Term Links
Use this option to determine whether taxonomy terms should link to their respective archive pages. Enabling this feature allows users to navigate to a listing of all posts associated with that term.
Woo Price Icon
This setting allows you to place a price icon before the Woo Price
field when it is included in your element pattern. Note that this applies specifically to products in WooCommerce.
Woo Sold Badge
This option adds a "sold" badge overlay on the cell's image if the associated product has been sold. This feature is relevant only for WooCommerce products.
Show Meta Icons
With this setting, you can include small icons next to meta fields like author and date. This addition enhances the visual design of your cells, making key information more easily identifiable.