The navigation icons allow you to manage the settings dialog effectively. They provide options for moving the dialog, opening and collapsing accordion panels, and performing undo and redo actions.
Use the undo icon to revert to the last saved settings before you clicked the update button. If your Dyggrid is not behaving as expected, this feature is useful for troubleshooting. The number displayed below the icon indicates how many actions can be undone; zero means there are no actions left to revert. The undo history remains intact even if you refresh or navigate away from the page.
The redo icon allows you to move forward in your redo history after making changes. The number beneath this icon indicates how many actions can be redone. Note that the redo history resets each time you hit the update button, making it relative to the current state of your Dyggrid.
The expand and collapse icons facilitate the opening and closing of all your settings accordion panels at once.
To change the position of the settings panel, click, hold, and drag the move icon to your preferred location on the screen.
Click the close icon to exit the settings dialog.
To adjust the width of the settings dialog, click and drag the right edge.